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Safe School Modules

Livingston ISD  implements the SafeSchools System as a way to train both professional and support staff on school-related safety issues via the Internet. Our employees are assigned training specific to their job function and may receive training on some and/or all the modules regarding Bloodborne Pathogens, Health Emergencies, Pandemic Flu, FERPA, Sexual Harassment, Bullying, Child Abuse, Suicide, Safety, Incident Command System, Pest Management, and Asbestos Training. 

SafeSchools online courses offer a variety of training for school district staff in all facets of school safety, social/behavioral (sexual harassment, bullying, child abuse, etc.) as well as environmental (transportation, bloodborne pathogens, molds, etc.).  A compliance management system tracks all the training for the district, allowing us to easily demonstrate to the state and federal government that we have complied with school safety mandates.  In addition to the training required by the District, departments, and campuses may elect to require additional training for their staff from the SafeSchools course offerings.

SafeSchools courses have been authored by nationally renowned experts, and the system has also been endorsed by many school boards and superintendent associations nationwide.

To enter the Safe Schools section, access the web page below and enter your employee ID number.

Thank you in advance for helping make SafeSchools training a success in our District.  Together, we can make our schools safer places to work and learn.

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