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Student in possession of alcohol or tobacco

If there is due cause to believe a student is in possession of alcohol or tobacco...
• Contact the building administrator with the student.
• Have two staff members present, preferably the principal and an assistant principal. If the student is a male, have at least one male staff member present; if the student is a female, have at least one female staff member present.
• Tell the student what you suspect and ask him/her to produce the alcohol/tobacco. If he/she refuses, ask the student to empty the contents of his/her pockets, purse, or other containers. Search locker if needed.
• If alcohol/tobacco is found, notify the parent or guardian and enforce the district’s policy as indicated in the Student Handbook. Note: LISD has a “zero tolerance policy”, if a minor in possession of tobacco or alcohol is breaking the law, law enforcement should be contacted.
• If alcohol/tobacco is not found, any action should be left to the discretion of the administrator.