StopFinder Bus App is now LIVE!
Stopfinder is the all-in-one, easy to use app for viewing & sharing your student’s transportation schedule.
What the App Can Do
Install the App
Access Student Schedules
Access to student schedules is granted only to the student’s designated contacts by the Transportation Department. The Stopfinder contacts, at their own discretion, may share their student’s schedule with caregivers (sub-subscribers.) An invitation to activate your Stopfinder account will be sent via email.
Please Contact Tammie Smith
Click to learn more about Stopfinder features:
Features video with all Stopfinder Features
Learn more about setting up StopFinder app
Features video without GeoAlerts
Features video without GeoAlerts/without Feedback
Parent Letter
– StopFinder Bus App is Live NOW –
We look forward to the efficiency that the new software will provide.
Contact the Transportation Department for questions about the StopFinder app.
3rd grade and below are positive handoff students!
If no one is home to receive your child, your child will be returned to the bus barn for you to pick up. On the third offense, your child could lose bus privileges for one week up to the remainder of the year if this continues to be an issue.
– Elementary-age students (Pre-K through 3rd grade) must have an adult present when getting off the bus. * No Exceptions*
Safe Travel to School and Home
For many students in Livingston, the school day begins and ends with a trip on the school bus. As your professional school transportation provider, we take our vision seriously and want to make sure your child’s trip is as enjoyable as possible. In order to get your child to school safely, on time, and ready to learn, it’s important that they understand the information contained in the Bus Rider Safety Handbook. As a valued member of our team, we ask that you share this important information with your child prior to the start of school.
Bus routes are established in the district to best accommodate the majority of students. These routes conform to state laws, rules, and regulations. Transfer students must provide their own transportation.
Tammie Smith
Transportation Coordinator
3350 Bus Lane, Livingston, TX 77351
Phone: (936)328-2280
Tina Maddox
Director of Warehouse & Distribution
3350 Bus Lane, Livingston, TX 77351
Phone: (936)328-2299 (ext. 2162)
Sarah Vega
Transportation Secretary
3350 Bus Lane, Livingston, TX 77351
Phone: (936)328-2280
Brenda McDonald
3350 Bus Lane, Livingston, TX 77351
Phone: (936)328-2280