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Below are a list scholarship resources available to graduating seniors.  Some scholarships are open to all students, while others may have certain demographic, financial, or educational requirements in order to apply.  Please, make sure to note the deadlines for each scholarship, as they have varying deadlines.  Take a look at the scholarships listed here and reach out to the Academic Advising office for more information or help applying for scholarships!

  • The Daughters of the American Revolution offer dozens of scholarship opportunities to graduating seniors.  Each scholarship has its own individual criteria and may require specific documents to be uploaded with your application.  There are currently two scholarships available specifically to Native American students, and over 20 scholarship opportunities for graduating high school students. These opportunities include sholarships for many areas of studies and careers, including the following:

    • Nursing
    • Law
    • Business Administration
    • Music
    • Elementary and Secondary Education

    For more information about these scholarship and to apply, click the button below to visit the Daughters of the American Revolution scholarship website.


    DAR Scholarships


  • Eligibility:

    • Senior high school female students at a Houston Area school
    • Major in an engineering or engineering-related discipline at an ABET-accredited 4-year college or university.
    • Filled out the online application (link provided below) and submitted all documents listed on the website. 

    Students may apply to one or multiple scholarships through a single application found at the following link:

    SWE - Houston Area Scholarships

    Additional scholarships are available onthe national SWE website, linked below.

    SWE National Scholarships

  • Urgent Doc will offer scholarships to students at local high schools in each clinics surrounding area in an effort to help students interested in the medical field achieve their goals and possibly find future Urgent Doc team members. It is important to Urgent Doc for our local residents/students to gain the skills to be our community’s health care workers/providers of tomorrow. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of the short essay and application quality, scholastic excellence, community service and activities.


    • GPA of 3.0 or higher
    • Must be a senior in a High School located within 30 miles of an Urgent Doc clinic
    • Intend to pursue a degree in the medical field
    • Complete the scholarship application and submit a one page essay about why they are interested in the medical field as a career path and what their goals are in their healthcare journey. Application and essay information can be found at the link below.


    Click here to view or download the Urgent Doc Healthcare Scholarship application!

  • Student furthers his/her education in a horticultural Forestry, Environmental, Agri-Life, Animal Science, Floral Design, Landscaping or related field at a college or university.  This scholarship is given to an area student in Polk County school districts.


    • Academic qualifications
    • Financial need
    • A separate application is required to be eligible for this scholarship


    Click here to view and download the Polk County Garden Club Scholarship application!

  • To be eligible for the local Go Texan Scholarship, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

    • Must have had at least 2 years of FFA or 4-H in High School (grades 9-12)
    • Have applied for a recognized College or Vocational Trade School
    • Be current with their academic standings
    • Meet the minimum test scores of ACT (20) or SAT (960)

    Click here to view and download the Polk County Go Texan Scholarship application!