Ben Wilroy
Director of Personnel
P.O. Box 1297, Livingston, TX 77351
Phone: (936)328-2100 (ext. 2105)
Fax: (936)328-2109
Nelly Robles
Personnel Assistant & Benefits
P.O. Box 1297, Livingston, TX 77351
Phone: (936)328-2100 (ext. 2107)
Fax: (936)328-2109
Mentor and Volunteer Instructions
If you are currently leaving your position with Livingston ISD, please do the following:
1. A signed resignation letter must be received by the district.
2. To request employee records, download the "Request for Employee Records" form. This form will assist Livingston ISD in making sure that your employee records are sent to your new place of employment. Please print the form and send it to the Personnel Department to make a formal request.
3. Click Here to complete the "On-line Employee Exit Interview". This assists us with improving our district and making future district goals.
Please mail all "Request for Employee Records" forms to:
Request for Employee Records
LISD Personnel Department
P.O. Box 1297
Livingston, TX. 77351
Your Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (Minimum Wage and Overtime Notice)
Sus derechos bajo la Ley de Normas Laborales Justas (salario mínimo y aviso de horas extras)
Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under the Family and Medical Leave Act
Sur derechos de personal según la Ley de Licencia Familiar y Médica
LISD Aides can apply for tuition exemption as they work toward becoming a certified teacher!
Livingston ISD Educational Aides who desire to become certified teachers, have worked as an Educational Aide for at least one year out of the past five, and meet financial criteria may apply for tuition exemption.
This program is administered by the Division of Student Services at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Eligible staff members may contact the Personnel Department at 936-328-2100 or visit the College for All Texans website and read more about education aide exemptions.
College for All Texans website - http://www.collegeforalltexans.com/