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Lock Down

Lock Down

Locks, Lights, Out of Sight!
During a “LOCK DOWN”, classroom instruction should stop until the threat is cleared or reduced to a level of a “LOCK OUT”.  An announcement will be made “All personnel, lock down building”.  Arrangements must be made to bring in all students from the outside and or temporary classrooms.  The announcement should be repeated at least once.

  • Remain calm.  Do not panic.
  • If safe to do so, conduct a “quick peek” to assess the immediate threat level of the hallways and nearby restrooms.  If an immediate threat is not present, remove any student or staff member who is not involved in the threat to the safety of your classroom.
  • Designated person(s) will lock, or verify locked, assigned exterior doors.
  • Verify classroom door is closed and secured.
  • Cover the door window.
  • Be sure the classroom phone is set to ring.
  • Place students in the pre-determined safe location in the room.
  • Have students remain quiet.
  • Take roll immediately.
  • Make a list of the students who are present but not on your class roster.
  • Make a list of the students who are not present but who are on your class roster and where the students are.
  • Do not use classroom phones except for emergencies.  Do not allow the use of cell phones.
  • Turn off the lights.
  • Do not use the campus radio except for emergencies.
  • Do not answer the door.  Authorized persons will have keys to enter if necessary.
  • Ignore all bells that may be programmed into the system or other notifications of this nature.
  • Remain in the mode until the “all clear” or “Lock Out” signal is given.