Transparency Stars
Livingston ISD strives to maintain open and honest communication with the public. In an effort to keep the public informed, we have provided information regarding expenditures and revenues on a per-student basis from our most recently completed fiscal year. We have included information on the number of full-time personnel, and property tax collections. Also included are budgets for the last five years and searchable check registers from the last three fiscal years. To view past and current budgets, visit the Business Department home page by clicking the button below.
Career & Technical Education Public Notification of Non-Discrimination
Debt Transparency – Spent & Unspent Proceeds
Debt Transparency – Total Outstanding Principal & Interest
District of Innovation Plan – HB 1842
LISD 2022-2027 District of Innovation Plan
LISD District Improvement Plan
LISD Parent & Family Engagement Plan
Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the U.S. Department of Education requires each state education agency to publish and annual report card that includes specific state, district, and campus-level student performance data. The Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) pulls together a wide range of information on the performance of students within the school district and on each campus. Listed below are the Federal Reports Cards and Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) for the 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 school years for the district and each campus.
2024 TEA Federal Report Cards
2023 TEA Federal Report Cards
2022 TEA Federal Report Cards
2023-2024 Texas Academic Performance Reports
2022-2023 Texas Academic Performance Reports
2021-2022 Texas Academic Performance Reports